Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer 2012 Fashion: How To Wear The Turquoise?

The turquoise color is a beacon of summer 2012. It perfectly highlights tanned complexions, then do not hesitate to adopt it. Here are some tips to understand this sometimes difficult color to wear.

Fixture in your wardrobe this summer, the turquoise color is a very flashy, so it should be handled with care. Preferably wear the turquoise blue monochrome way to accentuate its effect flashy without overdoing it on the rest of the outfit in this case. In any case, better not to mix turquoise with another bright color.

It combines turquoise with white
: the tailor turquoise blue shorts associated with a white blouse is certainly one of the most stylish looks of the summer. This color becomes fun rather chic as it is associated with a virginal white. It is played soft on accessories and in this case we avoid the big gold jewelry which may break down the refined appearance overall.

We love the turquoise blue of our accessories
: purse, pocket max, chest, big ring, shows ... The turquoise is the color that will give added value to your accessories. Simply dressed with a rather casual look, sober colors and neutrals form the basis of your outfit and accessories turquoise boost will come together.

We dare turquoise total look
: a turquoise robe associated with a pouch of the same color will do their small effect on your next evening. In this case, we can afford to give a brilliant touch at all with large gold accessories, a wrist cuff or a long necklace around the neck, will boost your monochromatic look.

In any case do not hesitate to crack on all parts turquoise you will find during your shopping sessions, sweater, jacket, dress, bag ... they will make you a real fashionista this summer!

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