Saturday, April 7, 2012

Damn, well-dressed characters, series, Part 3

After the last two parts of my series characters dressed in pretty darn good now follows the last part first. I start with this Jess from the new series New Girl.

I was thinking something more current route does sometimes very good and there after long deliberation hardly a recent series of very prominent, well-dressed characters are (no, Gossip Girl I count because now not even this), I came to the new series New Girl . There, Jess is the lively, singing and annoying girl who moves to the "men"-WG and changed the lives of the boys. Sounds corny first time, but is made with a good sense of humor up for it. Schmidt I love where we're at it.
Since Jess is supposed to represent the ultimate girls, especially as a contrast to the male counterpart, carries the wonderful, wonderful charming Zooey Deschanel almost exclusively sweet little dresses, headbands, perfect curls, ballet flats, and all that have heard so so. It reminds me of a well-dressed doll, with who wants to play I like, because it all seems perfectly at her. Even when she wears her glasses and her pajamas.

The best always comes at the end: Denise Huxtable on The Cosby Show.

I hated the Bill Cosby show ever. Perhaps this was because of the voice of Cliff Huxtable, perhaps it is also generally on his constant drivel. I'll never find out because this sitcom, I give no chance. What I must leave you, but Denise Huxtable, the daughter of Cliff. She wore a great outfit. Rarely have I seen something stunning - their appearance is characteristic for the hair band and the subtle mix between bubihaften loose clothing and hippie things that make their outfits so beautiful that I could cry. She is aware of the last ones chosen because they are definitely in my 3-piece series of bloody well dressed characters occupies the position 1. Meanwhile, I believe, however, that it is not just because their clothes - it is just one of a the most beautiful women ever, you can not do much wrong. On the way, I love her most sidecut on the first picture!

That was it for the time being damned for my well-dressed serial characters. I still have a few in his back pocket and if you want me to continue to introduce well-dressed people from movies, TV series, books & co, I look forward to feedback!

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