Sunday, October 16, 2011

Enterprise Microblogging Open Online Travel Industry

With the hot microblogging, open microblogging companies are expanding a new online marketing platform, the online travel industry is no exception. The enterprise, microblogging is not only a great marketing platform for users, but also the effect of product operations, and user satisfaction monitoring platform.

According to iResearch social network user behavior monitoring system iSNSTracker: As of September this year, China's online travel companies in the Sina microblogging platform has the largest number of fans are three companies eLong, with the way network and where to network. In addition, eLong the highest rate of active fans, passers-cow average daily net microblogging released several top-ranked, with the way network and microblogging original donkey mother's highest rate. Online travel companies are marketing emphasis on the role of microblogging, microblogging through the application of this social media marketing platform to enhance their own influence, as the follow-up of online travel industry, increased competition variables.

ELong the largest-scale micro-Bo fans way cattle net rate of the second active fans

ELong Sina microblogging fans in the end of September reached 750,000, far more than industry competitors. Rate by active fans, eLong active fans scale up to 33 million, accounting for 44% of the total number of fans, also ranked first in the industry. Fans activity ranked second and third of the way cattle are travel (31%), and where to network (25%). Way cattle net 49,000 fans in 31% of active fans, the proportion was over Ctrip, the same way, donkey mother and other enterprises, so that passers-cow network become active fans by ranking the highest rate a business.
Travel Network the largest-scale micro-Bo fans

Transit network daily published the largest number of cattle with the original process network and the highest rate of mother donkey

The number of daily release microblogging microblogging is a measure of corporate activity, another important indicator. According iSNSTracker monitoring data obtained last week of September, when the Sun have released the largest number of enterprise microblogging microblogging is the way cattle travel 16.8. Average daily volume released more than 10 networks, including the same way, donkey mother, where to network and eLong. The highest rate of micro-Bo is the same original process network and donkey mother (tied 92%), followed by where to network (91%).
Travel Network the largest-scale micro-Bo fans-2

Online travel business microblogging fans feminine tendencies significantly - where the network attract the most female users

Microblogging fans online travel company structure is a notable feature of the high proportion of female fans, this microblogging platform fans with the overall high sex ratio of women to some extent. These 10 online travel companies accounted for 65% of female fans (no row weight), where to network up to 70% the proportion of women fans, donkey and her mother reached 69%. The leisurely travel and the number of knowledgeable slightly higher proportion of male fans, can be targeted for the male market.

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