Friday, October 28, 2011

Look Back At My Journey All The Way

When the Indus campus covered with leaves, I wander away in a small way, the campus radio listening to one tells the story of the past, has made deeply touched the hearts. Really, is a kind of moving. Grateful for the past years, people have encountered, as well as behind us emotions. A casual look back, I seem to see coming and going on the road staggered footprints, they gradually enlarge, even showing up in my eyes. I am afraid that these imprinting, as well as all hosted in this blot.

Child, every day in the countryside, the fields running, it seems that every corner of the home and scattering my footprints in the evening home, between the toes, nails are hidden in full soil. Large side to me that people love and affection feet, while I do not reprove honest. At that time the child is truly carefree. Field day with their parents, the family back and forth, the strange thing is, we do not feel tired and do not know what is not happy. Sad, depressed kind of times we seem very far away from really far away. Things as we grew up, gradually become complicated, but you want to unlock more complicated.

I remember I was eighteen, I had never really sad. I always adamant that will not be real sad to see through, and only you know, tears silently in their hearts. Eighteen, I had never left their parents. Always feel that they still can not do without their children, until now, there are still hearts the idea. I actually do not want to grow up, that do not want to. Who do not want their parents under the same happy like a bird? Month study leave to go home to help mom and dad live dry point, this is my life before, is very simple, but very happy. Although the study will come under pressure, but after returning home all sad things have vanished. I remember, a holiday home, I rode a bike all the way humming a song, when the mood I really can not describe it, but I believe I'll never forget, that is only experienced personnel experience of the possible. Gradually I grew up like everyone else finish primary school, junior high school. In nearly two decades, I have a worry-free from the children also have their own ideas slowly, things also have their own opinions.

Once people grow up carrying a lot of things seem to go, even if no one asked you to do. High school, I was hard for all learning. My classmates say that all day long to learn not tired? In most cases, I just smiled, I do not want to explain what, that they may not understand. I can only do so, school has been down. I even think, I am not for their own learning, but to my father and mother. I am sure: Since they can not change their fate, So let me change. At that time, I think so, but also to do so. So I was relieved after the college entrance examination, I also admitted to be a village, the only undergraduate students. But after my father was sick, he has been in good health, which makes us a people can not fully accepted. That is, from then on, I began to understand what is really sad. . Even if you do not know how to tell others the feeling of opening, but it obviously filled with your heart, affects every one of your nerves. I eventually will not be a good expression of the people, so that time, I did not say what a sense of heaven and earth, then, my heart silently expect faster better father. Also in that time, or do not want to grow up thinking is naive child, I have grown up, I'm going to carry. Since then, I walked every step very carefully determined.

Now I have junior, and the foot of the road there will be a crossroads slowly. In this way, I left a part of my stamp. I think I really grew up, perhaps in front of their parents, I will a little childish, but that is because I love them all, they also love me.

Look at my journey all the way back, leaving a dense road footprints. I was barefoot from the farthest left, has been somewhat confusing, but I know it was full of happiness and joy above. Then when my feet a little bit older, I hate shoes, but I wear big shoes, and this makes me very happy. In this way, I can not see their true "footprint", and only left with the shoe print pattern, texture exudes a young and frivolous. Now, I wear different shoes, walking in a different way, also left a deep understanding of the patterns also light, which revealed a calm and healthy atmosphere.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Purchased These Ugg Bailey Button Boots In The Color Of Cobalt Blue

I bought 4 pairs of UGG boots and all made in CHINA. All the boots are very comfortable I wear them everyday in the house or go out. (I have one pair just use it for house wearing) I used to wear 3 pairs of socks and still feel cold. But, since I wear UGG boots I don't need to wear any socks.

The qualities of boots are super good any other brand can't compare with it.
You paid what you get.


Right now a lot of name brand goods all made in China. This is just the way is.

I ordered these boots for my granddaughter's 14th birthday. I read the reviews and quite a few of them stated that these boots run big. She is in between a size 5 & 6, so I ordered the 5. She went from extreme excitment when she opened the box to the most disappointed look when she realized they didn't fit. They were way to small. So I had to return them. They didn't have the correct size thru this store, so I had to order them from another.

I have always thought of Authentic Ugg Boots as being the ugliest boots I have ever seen. That is until I bought a pair!!

They are gorgeous and I have'nt had them off my feet since I got them.

We could'nt find an outlet in South Africa so checked They arrived 10 days later in perfect condition.

By the way I am a granny.

Stylish and warm - use them all the time for walking outside (if it is not wet - they will stain). Don't be surprised if they are a little tight when you put them on - they stretch out with wear. But - that having been said, I did go a size up to allow of socks to be worn with them. Best Christmas present ever.

Flash Demo Of Html5 Applications

You may hear a lot about Flash HTML5 will be replaced by discussion, think, HTML5 some more advanced applications have their place, will gradually replace the Flash, but can not be completely replaced, Flash will always be a place.

If you want to know HTML5 can do, look at these amazing animation examples, I believe after you read these examples would be the future of Web development is full of infinite expectations. For better results, we recommend the Chrome browser view.

Google Images Gift Box – CSS 3D example
Flickr and Canvas in 3D

Cloth Simulation 
Canvas Minimal Particle Animation

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Child's Innocence Filled With Love

Mother holding a bottle of heart medicine tube digoxin let me see if the time expired, play blocks in the side of the bow-year-old nephew suddenly looked small gas that milk and milk sound, my mother said, expired drugs can not eat, Grandma do not eat expired drugs.

Mom looked at him puzzled like a fine grandson asked, how the disease can not eat I do? You did not hear my grandmother also cough go again it?

I save money jar, let my father ride pick. Yuehua Jian stood up and came to his father on the go.

So when my brother came, my mother had to eat the medicine down, but also to joke with her little grandson, then thrown to the winds. Picking up his brother's life after his son came asked earnestly, Mom, what are you looking for drugs, I'll go!

So figure out how the matter later, we are pleased to laugh.

One day, seeing his father's bicycle a little break, I ventured to ask my father said, you buy a electric car you?

Our home in the rural areas, there is a gravel road to the highway, rugged, and the father is the age of 80 who, for fear that there'd been turned out of the car accident, but my dad as someone riding a car the easy way and fast, a little tempted. But we still undecided.

Anxious little nephew to the side, tiptoe, pull the hand deep to say Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa they do not give you buy, I'll buy you!

You bought me, the natural father was amused by his grandson, grandfather you have the money to buy a car?

I save a lot of money jar has a lot of it, you can buy a very big electric car. Just at this time his mother came, he asked his mother to verify Side Road, you are not my mother, my tank has a lot of money to save money, give Grandpa to buy electric cars.

We once again his sincere and lovely laugh, are attached together and said, well, well, things on the car to Yupeng (his name) was.

He learned to like adults, boldly said, I promise!

When you see the streets and on TV have children not afford school fees, food to eat, he always cried, my mother, save me the money tank showed him! That serious and sincere attitude and attention will make a lot of good living conditions of people uncomfortable.

Nephew do not know how much money to buy a car, do not know how much money he's saving tank, but he knows some people need the money, he put the money inside out. Thus while there with his grandfather and grandfather of the electric car, a grandmother of Yao Guanzi, with his father and mother's delicious, and all the people he likes all ... Although he did not know how much money how much do able, but small small bags of heart and his magic-like tank is sufficient to save the world pretend to be warm and the whole world.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

. Com Domain Names Will Reach One Hundred Million

Most popular on the Internet top level domain. Com, development will soon reach a huge milestone, and now has close to 100 million registrations. For. Com, this is definitely a worth remembering when, according to statistics. Com domain name account for 45% of all Internet.

Although not yet reach 100 million, the current registration number is 98 million, there are two million, based on past data analysis, within a few months, this year reach 100 million.

. com is the Internet top level domain on the original one. Since 1985, began to put the domain name system, we expect a lot of them. The following table is initially to the present. Com domain growth scenario.

Data is not very surprising? Especially compared to the present and the very beginning. I can not help but think that writing a blog, said the auction of the domain name to millions of dollars.

Monday, October 24, 2011

You're Doing At Any Given Moment

In reality, some people see a large degree on the people and things; some people look at people and things are calm; some people do care about, intrigues, infighting; some people in the matter of reality show very tolerant. Why is this? Some people say that this individual character, since the leopard change his spots. In fact, this is one way of doing things the way and the reality of conflicting interests.

Some time ago, Liu Xiang in South Korea to participate in 110-meter hurdles in the race, won the third place, but people still feel he is a "Return of the King", not because he was placing him third place for his irresponsible remarks, this is why? The whole matter is this, the original in this game, could have achieved better results, but because Roberts's hand touch the hand of Liu Xiang, Liu Xiang's body leading to loss of weight balance, the end result is Liu Xiang with the first missed. Later, the video playback process, the coach Sun Haiping, Roberts is very upset, claiming all the way through the prosecution of Roberts, which is why? Sun coach go to war eventually led to it? The reason is very simple, and conflicting interests, and if Liu Xiangrong Abstract title, and that Sun will be the coach of the huge pot filled with money, a variety of advertising media will be followed, the name of "Return of the King," the under the banner of various business activities, is not that fame and wealth bumper it! I think this is the reason of the Sun where the coaches go to war now!

Liu Xiang's performance the other hand, it touches us another thumbs-up from the bottom of sincere admiration. Liu Xiang's performance is very generous and tolerant. After the game, when Roberts hug with Liu Xiang Liu Xiang still the performance is very calm, warm hug to show with Roberts to celebrate, not because Roberts's hand to touch her and upset him. In an interview with the news media after the game interview, Liu Xiang, generosity and tolerance, the other reporters were surprised, Liu said: Roberts is not interested, and the game too much of this uncertainty, there are many in the game itself does not by the own thing, do not blame Roberts, as long as we enjoy the playing field during the game to enjoy it. Liu Xiang of tolerance and generosity from the heart that the other we admire, admire what? Admire this attitude is the attitude of ways and means to admire is to this generous and tolerant of people and things. The aftermath of the downturn after the 2008 Olympic Games, Liu Xiang, the controversial, some people say he athletic career coming to an end, and some of his people out of the race in the 2008 Olympics, said nose to show ridiculed. The other hand, Liu Xiang has demonstrated very frankly, whether it is highly controversial Ye Hao, the audience scoffed Ye Hao, Liu Xiang, have shown very calm, and not because the audience does not understand discouraged. On the contrary, as always, put exercise treatment. In this competition, Liu Xiang, generosity and tolerance, it is interesting that we, in fact, this is also a: Return of the King.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fashion, Popular For Divorce

This flash unit popular for marriage, I do not know when it has become a fashion trend in recent years, quite furious, and it shares the popular winds seem to getting up mad, leading many men and women to follow their so-called fashion, have joined the flash marriage family.

Flash marriage, do you agree? Bring this topic, we have to express their point of view, some people think that marriage is a sad flash; saying flash quickly, from the fast, stable emotional foundation, the marriage will one day collapse; and some people think that marriage can still flash have a happy, at first sight of the legendary life still exist. Mentality of the human condition often different, the results are also different flash marriage, this time for the flash marriage we can not generalize.

Nothing beats a few days ago met in the online contact friends, she told me she was engaged, and also getting married. Met only a month time, is love at first sight. I asked, is it not flash it? She said it was not a bit, flash is very flash, very flash.

Acquaintance, friend, love, spend this is a process, for some people, love is a very long marathon, they reason that marriage must be knowing each other for many years and trusted. But for some people, just a moment, share the moment due to the choice of flash echocardiography slam marriage, life after marriage may be increasingly emotional surge, happy life; the same time can not be ruled out because of love is still shallow , had not married the run-in period, the end result of a hasty marriage.

Unmarried men and women reach marriageable age, and still single, then left will be included in the line of men and women left. At this time more and more concerned about family and friends, then a blind date a feast, only to find a Mr. Right, hold the beauty go. Sometimes these people will be too much concerned about the repression of breath, had a little bit of stick to be crushed, and finally succumbed, not to do does not matter the struggle. The so-called men and when the marriage, a girl, once married, recognize it, just pick a character all aspects of good family, and make do with it, a solution to their marriage, and secondly, the wish of the family of a , if the attitude of holding such a flash wedding, then after the marriage really happy?

Unwanted pregnancies in this century has been surprisingly open, and for their own baby, to assume the responsibility to meet, rush to join the family of flash marriage. Cause to put the first men and women, because of busy work and ignore the marriage; fragile heart can not stand the torment of men and women no longer, because all the while jeopardizing their own past, these people when you see friends around the sweet family, can not help heart envy, and ultimately become a member of a family of flash marriage, reason is very simple, just a warm period of wing family, a safe haven when you are tired you can rely on. Married life may be dull, warm, perhaps unrelated to love, perhaps courteous, perhaps this can also be called happiness.

For 80 years we are concerned, some people hear the word flash marriage, has not much surprise, which shares the popular flash marriage do not know when the wind throughout every corner, people do not praise at first, slowly Try to accept the default choice can be said now, granted, and even hear the marriage and divorce because flash is not that to heart, for the marriage of mind more and more weak.
Flash marriage, pros and cons in there.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Enterprise Microblogging Open Online Travel Industry

With the hot microblogging, open microblogging companies are expanding a new online marketing platform, the online travel industry is no exception. The enterprise, microblogging is not only a great marketing platform for users, but also the effect of product operations, and user satisfaction monitoring platform.

According to iResearch social network user behavior monitoring system iSNSTracker: As of September this year, China's online travel companies in the Sina microblogging platform has the largest number of fans are three companies eLong, with the way network and where to network. In addition, eLong the highest rate of active fans, passers-cow average daily net microblogging released several top-ranked, with the way network and microblogging original donkey mother's highest rate. Online travel companies are marketing emphasis on the role of microblogging, microblogging through the application of this social media marketing platform to enhance their own influence, as the follow-up of online travel industry, increased competition variables.

ELong the largest-scale micro-Bo fans way cattle net rate of the second active fans

ELong Sina microblogging fans in the end of September reached 750,000, far more than industry competitors. Rate by active fans, eLong active fans scale up to 33 million, accounting for 44% of the total number of fans, also ranked first in the industry. Fans activity ranked second and third of the way cattle are travel (31%), and where to network (25%). Way cattle net 49,000 fans in 31% of active fans, the proportion was over Ctrip, the same way, donkey mother and other enterprises, so that passers-cow network become active fans by ranking the highest rate a business.
Travel Network the largest-scale micro-Bo fans

Transit network daily published the largest number of cattle with the original process network and the highest rate of mother donkey

The number of daily release microblogging microblogging is a measure of corporate activity, another important indicator. According iSNSTracker monitoring data obtained last week of September, when the Sun have released the largest number of enterprise microblogging microblogging is the way cattle travel 16.8. Average daily volume released more than 10 networks, including the same way, donkey mother, where to network and eLong. The highest rate of micro-Bo is the same original process network and donkey mother (tied 92%), followed by where to network (91%).
Travel Network the largest-scale micro-Bo fans-2

Online travel business microblogging fans feminine tendencies significantly - where the network attract the most female users

Microblogging fans online travel company structure is a notable feature of the high proportion of female fans, this microblogging platform fans with the overall high sex ratio of women to some extent. These 10 online travel companies accounted for 65% of female fans (no row weight), where to network up to 70% the proportion of women fans, donkey and her mother reached 69%. The leisurely travel and the number of knowledgeable slightly higher proportion of male fans, can be targeted for the male market.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Libya's Gaddafi Battle With The Ruling Council

In Sirte, Libya, Gaddafi ruling authorities armed with remnants of fire. Day, the ruling authorities of Libya and Gaddafi armed remnants of the city to continue to fight in Sirte, Gaddafi denied the ruling authorities muta son Maxim was arrested in Sirte rumors. A commander of the military authorities in power, said: "The war in eastern Sirte have all ended, we continued west forward deployed combat troops.
Gaddafi continue to fight remnants-1
Gaddafi continue to fight remnants-2

Gaddafi continue to fight remnants-3

Gaddafi continue to fight remnants-4

Gaddafi continue to fight remnants-5

Gaddafi continue to fight remnants-6

Gaddafi continue to fight remnants-7

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Highway 34 Bus Rollover Injuries

At 3:40 on the 13th Xu, two high-speed 1738 km + 800 m wide at the Jingmen Shayang County Town to pay market discipline section of the village, a Beijing bound for Hunan Zhangjiajie's license plate number for the "Xiang G01572" bus accident, bus rollover to the next high-speed barrier, resulting in 34 people were injured, eight seriously injured, including two critically.

According to Hubei Province to participate in on-site assistance Shayang vice minister of propaganda Duan Lei introduced, received the report the incident to Vice Mayor Zhou Songqing Jingmen Shayang county party secretary Liang and Yang, etc. as early as the first organized local police rushed to the scene , fire, emergency rescue and health departments. 34 injured, in addition to the two rushed to the hospital Jingmen Petrochemical, the other sent to the nearest whole number of Jingzhou City, Hubei Province Hospital. 34 injured in injured eight people, including two critically.

According to the site in Hubei rescue corps three high police detachment Han Ping, after a preliminary investigation, "Xiang G01572" bus to Zhangjiajie Automotive's second branch directly under the vehicle. Time of the incident from Beijing to Zhangjiajie. At that time the central bus crossed the buffer zone to the left, and then rushed to open the lane for barrier, rollover to the next slope. 49 passenger bus incident.

As of press time reporter, all the injured have been rushed to hospital for treatment, the high police officers and road are still cleaning up the site, two wide high-speed traffic incident locations were not affected. Cause of the accident is still under investigation.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Love Song Was Charming

Heard from Eason's "Long time no see," never been out of that deep voice gently sketched out a bleak situation. Sad words, I obsessed for a few days and nights. Friends say the song is too smooth, long time to listen to the will enter the sleeping state, but I have a soft spot.

In particular, "You will not suddenly appear in the corner coffee shop, I will look back with a smiling face greeting, and you sit and chat. How much I want you to see the side and see if you have recently changed" These words, inexplicable distressed. I do not know many years later, there is no one will like the songs sung by the general, in one lonely, looking out the shuttle's population, have not thought of that in front of me. Will the shadow along the past, walking in the way I walked, I just want to see the familiar back across the eye?

Can not predict tomorrow, I will also Cantabile in that the actress has never appeared as a person living in the deep heart, can never be erased?

Too much imagination with the dream so beautiful so beautiful, with Eason whisper softly, rub it into my heart.

Through so many years, now standing side of the road into the distance, could not help but ask yourself quietly, go so far, saw much of the landscape, who in my watch behind the soulful, wandering in place, looking forward to One day I will suddenly appear? As if so, then when I walked through the crowded sea, quietly in his world, he would cry sounded? Said nothing, nothing Needless to say, only tears shallow smile, reach out, embrace me gently in my arms?

Years later, then a person will not, I left the day, often looking at the sky in a daze, thinking not of his day, I kind of loneliness that is how?

I will not look lopsided, but I hope I never left him, still return to the past. When a variety of reasons to become a reason for breaking up after, even if I can not see, he was worried for no reason, did not give him warm, that sentimental, tears of love will increasingly haggard and weak woman, lived very difficult?

Years later, he still still clearly remember the words we have said, walked the streets, sat in the place?

In many cases, it still will be alone in that familiar place to see, to sit, go, and so on. Only for a miracle, there can occasionally run into each other, we drank coffee, smiled and said their last?

Is not in those days I was not, he would come many times those paths, also sat many nights in the pavilion, shouting at people coming and going, just hope we can meet God, look at me What changed recently? Then as if the long-awaited friend, greeting with a smile back, children holding hands, sitting to chat, feel the past?

When fame came to an end, years of quiet, his thoughts are far away from a dirty cloud of dust, his children will be looked at in the distance leaning against the window on children miss the silent, those beautiful pictures?

I did not appear, do not accompany him, he will not worry about my brow will concentrate the intractable sadness, silly call?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jobs At The Three Can Not Be Replaced

Apple talented, gifted and creative, not only from the success of Apple's thousands of employees, but also a vision of excellence from Steve Jobs, Apple has its own direction and development strategy, Apple Product does not come out before, there is no doubt that we never heard of such products. Jobs that no one can replace him with the bright spot, sum up, at least three:

1) has a superb art of marketing

Steve Jobs the biggest success is that he can make people believe he is worthy of any owned, no matter what, as long as he provided, people should have. Steve Jobs's speech has been likened to being enveloped in a virtual reality field. When Steve Jobs to show the audience a thing when the audience will be enchanted believe this matter should only be the sky, people love to not work, irreplaceable.

Yes, Steve Jobs is such a good salesman, almost impeccable, Apple released a product from each sale that people will flock to the date, mad rush to buy.

2) The incredible ability to judge consumer behavior

Many other companies will spend a lot of thought concerned about what consumers want, what they need to interview, but Steve Jobs never do that, because back in the consumer know what they need before, Steve Jobs has been moved to look into their potential the need lies.

Before the iMac, the color is only one computer, iMac appeared to break this situation; there are many before the iPod music player, but no one can be popular; think about before the advent of the iPhone smart phone industry, and then look at their after the smart phone industry, we know Steve Jobs on how much influence the world.

3) typical perfectionist

Attention to detail is an important feature of Apple products, in large part because the carping is because Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs is not only strict demands on themselves, but also strict requirements all around, the result is that employees give to the world provides a It seems unlikely they have the product.

Steve Jobs's departure, not only Apple's loss, the loss of the Tory Burch Outlet, his influence is not a company in an industry, but an era. Just like people have said, his appearance is to change the world.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Sunset Of Wonderful Memories

Say to yourself, the Ming dynasty come again for autumn flowers the exhausting. How to read night wind and rain, unbearable shake and help, and was buried HanQiu. The wind cirrus chung everlasting, the passage of the procession of the time, but is not the thought that every time suddenly look back.
The other day, I see campus and not see its three fire autumn leaves wins. The mood then float in the sky, DuoCi painted, and write to express feelings DuoCi four delay so far, QiuJing will fear of falling all the time NieShi with his own heart, until the sunset dusk in vain no longer. 
In the studio sketch, lean out the window, no opinion carried pencil first, they found that the sight of a spread of ink painting beautiful sunset. The height of blue impression pure, rouge warm red and dizzy, oh the pinkish purple clouds in the sky, enough to set as the first embroidery pattern could jiangnan. The longitudinal is see through the lower bloodthirsty of cold love people, should also will for immediate wins painting scene melted indifference."
The corners of your mouth turned up, I think, this is warm as before.
At that time was determined to stay to set off, with the camera to the communities, and goodbye to beauty, the studio door lock woke up and was waiting for used to waiting. Look under the white light of the glimmering against, meet outside the window of the setting sun, will depend at to yourself.
Waiting, wait until shuts the door, and locked, don't get in.
Out of the studio, found in waiting also leaves be difficult to their distressed. Consciousness, late fair repair prison. Carry the camera on the campus with sex walk, was laughed at such scenery after all is not worth to shoot. Said to smile: "the world, not only the need to find beautiful eyes, also do not leave the interpretation of intelligence."
I know, and some things, read and not good again, ever read into memory, most remembered. Now of oneself, learn to treasure from miss. Cherish the wind in the eyes YiYeZhiQiu fall, and cherish dry vine old trees of the last life, cherish although pale but the flowers. Ao however 
Just walk still look between, looking for the three inches evening glow. Not forget for a moment, not because they aren't always the best, only read, wandering loitered between than the wrong decision after the miss fault more let the heart of can not let go.
In fact heart all understand, never give up, because too want look for. The picture frame with a camera, the body on the corner of the frame, is himself again. After the teaching building of the stair of silent looking down on me, I and it like this has no language upward. Look down the inlaid copper iron ladder up all the way, color is on the top of the height of not lose in the window of the studio.
"I don't know whether you like adventure girl, next time again to come to Beijing to climb the Great Wall we wild!" It is this year to Beijing, seen in the understanding of the Internet girl's voice, when she held the first sight of the celebrity preach "in the subway station waiting for me. Moved DuoNian she remember before I write the articles in name, moved back to her that I write poetry, touched her lost contact in the number of years I was writing log, moved in when she suffered three high application with my favorite copy inspirational lyrics, touched her sincere, she told me, believe that I'm sure I could.
I had been careful to live on, but I'm not weak; I won't take no grasp of the risks, but I need to challenge. Besides, I unwilling to take too much regret, I don't want to go to the next round here often, I don't want to live up to DuoRen so, that I didn't want to because of oneself at that time and choose more timid, and a way of life to escape.
Be careful of the climb up the stairs, the first great gap in armrest that doubts about this turn, still in time, just don't go now, I'm afraid and rock climbing, reach the height. Throw, and all the way up to concerns. Stay on the fifth floor to walk, and watch the sunset will be well, and seems to have enough. Just now that so far, how poor final layer?
When only the wind around his unique high, when to overcome the beauty of the unique magic get heart, I think I saw her the pupil, not only for the eyes meet the scenery, but also for myself. I think, I am proud of is eligible for yourself, and perhaps others will feel, up the ladder is not words when child in the game. But I know, for their meaning, is far from to climb feng up the ladder and watch the sunset so simple. The king's stance, overlooking the bullying extremely conceited when, is not "do", in the "to do".
Ever so far, there are few their strong want things, or is not to want. So often to prepare ourselves for two options, didn't get "this" and "that", so in the attitude which had too much waste. And the winner, with the resurgence of the thoughts of the long under, that kind of idea called "night and a massacre".
On the way back, with the hope, look back to xingyue night of iron ladder, gradually subduction and with a smile and the mind of the float on the heart. I think, whether walked several rounds of the four seasons, will I still remember this one season, remember this one season is warming Yang like songs.
The setting sun, covered in the language of silent dream that his in the time of the fleeting:, it should be for the changing landscape of the inner moment.