Sunday, December 4, 2011

SteelHouse financing $ 6.3 million for consumers

  How to effectively attract customers and encourage them to consumer e-commerce practitioners have been thinking about the problem. In addition to price promotions, gift coupons and other common practices, analysis of consumer shopping behavior and habits in order to develop targeted marketing strategies of the method, is gradually being more and more electric suppliers adopted. SteelHouse is an effort to establish power and consumer direct correlation between the start-up companies, similar to the role of e-commerce industry eHarmony.

SteelHouse the positioning of their own "business conduct" platform. What is the "behavior business' platform? SteelHouse explained as follows: By analyzing the access of consumers to shopping sites and shopping habits of the line, SteelHouse can take a hot period of concern to consumers of goods and search more frequently, and real-time data available to the relevant co-shopping Web site; understanding of consumer real-time dynamic, the electricity supplier who can coincide with the time to launch a promotional campaign. In addition to the flagship of the "behavior business" platform, SteelHouse also provides custom advertising, regional marketing programs and other services. SteelHouse service is currently being used several companies, including Comedy Central, Mrs. Fields, SkyMall,, Evite and

SteelHouse e-commerce industry is seen as another reason eHarmony. SteelHouse's CEO Mark Douglas has served four years in the eHarmony keep a close watch technology, senior vice president, serving two companies are engaged in the work of matchmaking, but this time the object into the electric business and consumers.

SteelHouse recently completed a total of $ 6.3 million B round of financing from Greycroft Partners, Rincon Venture Partners and Lighthouse Venture Group. SteelHouse the first well-known angel investors including Ron Conway and Baroda Ventures. A in the previous round, SteelHouse received a $ 1,550,000 investment.

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