Saturday, March 3, 2012

App Store Downloads Exceed 25 Billion

Apple's official Web site statistics show that Apple's App Store application downloads exceeded 25 billion. Apple had previously said the 25 billion application download the user will receive a $ 10,000 iTunes Store gift cards.

Apple's App Store application downloads the growth rate has been accelerated, the App Store reached 1 billion downloads in the introduction of the first nine months, to reach 5 billion in June 2010, reached in January 2011 10 billion times. In October last year, the App Store App Store Downloads over 18 billion times.

In January last year, Apple has been a similar promotional activities, $ 10,000 gift card for the first 10 billion applications download users. In 2009, Apple's one billion applications to download user also distributed prizes, as young as 13-year-old Connor Mulcahey, was not only get a $ 10,000 iTunes Store gift cards, but also get an iPod Touch, a MacBook Pro and Time Capsule wireless router.

Apple said in the first quarter conference call held last month, the company paid more than 40 billion dollars in revenue share to developers. According to Apple's sharing scheme, developers can get 70% revenue share, Apple can get 30%.

Apple Mac App Store downloads in December last year exceeded 100 million, the App Store was only in operation for less than a year.

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