Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Iphone4s And Iphone4 Compare Nokia Lumia 800

iPhone4S and iPhone44 compare Nokia Lumia 800! iPhone 4S and lumia 800 market for some time, the two machine's been a lot of the media and users a number of comparative evaluation, and even the iPhone 4 compared with the 3 machines, but this does not prevent users from one another in comparison , the package shall compare the most direct experience of the browser, after all three phones have very good built-in default browser.
Some foreign media 359gsm 2012 browser will run three points for a comprehensive comparison test, test tools are familiar with online testing website, including: Benchmark benchmark running points, Speed ​​Reading Speed ​​Reading tests, SunSpider speed test processing js, Acid3 compatibility testing and HTML5 compatibility test.
Tests, iPhone 4 system version iOS 4.3; Nokia Lumia 800 system version is Windows Phone 7.5 Mango; iPhone 4S official version of iOS 5.
Test video clips:

Browser Comparison
Score results:

1, Browsermark test HTML rendering engine performance, identify the mobile device browser benchmark score (the higher the score the better):
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) - 37503
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 Mango) - 30452
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) - 86702
2, Speed ​​Reading test page using the HTML5 technology, much of the white board on dozens of films, loaded words in English will be dug out to provide the fps reading frames page:
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) - 2fps (upgrade to iOS 5.0 for iPhone 4 can run 37fps)
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 Mango) - 40 fps
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) - 60 fps
3, Sunspider test, test the browser's JavaScript benchmark test platform, to measure a browser's JavaScript engine performance, developed by Apple (score the lower the better):
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) - 4018.2ms
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 Mango) - 7188.7ms
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) - 2266ms
4, Acid3 testing, browser compatibility and Web standards test, out of 100 points, reflecting the ability of a browser DOMScript and CSS rendering, SVG, etc.:
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) - 100/100
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 Mango) - 100/100
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) - 100/100
5, HTML5 compatibility test:
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) - 210
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 Mango) - 141
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) - 296
Finally, Nokia Lumia 800 still did not iPhone4 speed.


  1. Good comparison. If you compared Nokia Lumia 800 phone with Apple's iPhone 4S, so you may be you won't disappointed. I am really impressed with Windows 7.5(Mango) OS.

  2. I think battery performance, browser performance, display and camera are main fields for comparison between these standard smartphones. I am very impressed with iPhone 4S. But that is not make sense that Nokia Lumia 800 is not a good phone. Yes, it is.
    coches radiocontrol
