Thursday, November 3, 2011

For The Uk To Help The U.S. Attack On Iran

Satellite photos taken Iran's nuclear facilities

British Ministry of Defense believes that the U.S. attack on Iran may soon make a decision, if the United States wants the United Kingdom in any military help, the United Kingdom will support it.

British Defense Ministry said the U.S. attack on Iran could accelerate the pace of Iran's key nuclear facilities to launch missile attacks. To prepare for this potential war, the British military decision-makers are considering in the coming months, look for the Royal Navy and the Tomahawk cruise missiles equipped with the best submarine force deployment locations, in order to participate in air and sea combat action. Britain also believes that the United States may request to Britain from the British Indian Ocean base of Diego Garcia to attack Iran, the U.S. military had previously used this intervention the Middle East conflict.

Recently a number of Whitehall and defense officials said, Libya after the war, Iran has once again become the focus of diplomacy. They do not want to know U.S. President Barack Obama before the presidential election, launch a new military action. But they warned that this situation may change at any time. Intelligence, Iran seems to have put war stance. Iran, IAEA verification report will be submitted next week, which may contain Iran's nuclear weapons development program of the latest evidence, the United States may seize this opportunity.

British military plans a familiar Whitehall official said: "In the next 12 months, Iran may develop nuclear weapons of all the materials used for underground fortress in possession. So we will not be able to ensure that the missile can hit them. To this end the UK need to do to prepare in advance, because the United States may need our help and we believe that the military offensive may be launched before the U.S. presidential election next year, but still not sure Obama must be made within the next few months this major decision, although he did not want to go to war before the election. "

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